
Honour This Day

I am awake, I am alive, and today is National Indigenous Peoples Day!

Today, men and women from all our Indigenous nations will dance – the Dene and Coast Salish, the Ojibwe and the Cree, the Iroquois and the Blackfoot and on and on. They will sing. They will pray.

Or they won’t.

Because you see, Indigenous individuals, status or not, youth or not, on-reserve or not, are individuals and like any other individual living within Canadian borders, today these individuals will decide how to spend their day.

As for me, I am Loon Clan and members of the Loon and Crane clans are the speakers of the community – the politicians, the debaters. True to my life’s purpose, I am on a plane today, ultimately heading to Port Elgin and the UNIFOR “Building Communities as Teachers and Students Together” event.

Tomorrow I will speak.

Tonight, I join in as participants feast and honour this day.


So today, my non-Indigenous friends, hug a Nish! (But only if they want you too! LOL). Pray for a Nish today. Stand up for a Nish today. Educate another on behalf of a Nish today. Or even better, dance with a Nish today, at pow wow.

Dance for me.

My regalia would love it.

And for my Indigenous friends, honour you today by enjoying this day in a healthy, loving, heart-filling way.

I’m praying for you!

I love you!



***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***