

I am awake, I am alive, and today one word is resonating in my mind… remember.

Today, let us remember that with a gift comes responsibility.

Let us remember that you, my dear friend, are the present-day manifestation of your blood line. Creator willing, one day you will have the honour and the privilege to be the oldest generation so you best start training now.

Heal, unpack, learn and share. Use patience, awareness, tenacity and humility. Strive to be the best version, the most improved version, the healed version. Do not replicate the mistakes. Do not hide. Do not give up. Do not take the easy route for you are here on purpose, the modern-day manifestation, the “next step” for your family, and you are needed.

So, how’s the bloodline doing? Healed yet or still hurting? Pride restored? Strength renewed or still struggling?

Don’t leave the work for those who come next. Do not leave it for siblings or cousins. Do your part. Live up to the gift of this life by bearing your responsibility well. Rest when required. Get help when needed but hold that head high. Smile often, at every silly mistake you make and learn from, at every nugget of wisdom you manage to gather.

Always remember my friend, you are here on purpose. The ancestors and the children are watching and so am I. And just in case you didn’t notice, we are cheering.

I love you.


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***