
My Thoughts Turn North

I am awake, I am alive, and today… the journey shifts gears as my thoughts turn north.

Last night, an evening of laughter and beading as I sat and chatted with some of the amazing women of Lake Helen First Nation. But now, my thoughts are on the youth of Summer Beaver as I plan for two and a half days of youth engagement next week.

My job… gift them some hope. Gift them some inspiration. Gift them some motivation. Gift them a reason to believe that getting older is a good thing.

You see, the reality is, in our northern communities, youth events aren’t just about light-hearted fun and games. It’s about suicide prevention and such is my assignment.

In other words, today my journey continues as I search for the words and games to help them choose to continue theirs.

Taking all my teachings with me on this one.

Pray for me. Pray for them.

I love you guys!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***