
Today… I Think of Him

I am awake, I am alive, and today… I think of him.

A hundred years ago – so long ago to so many – making a century THE perfect excuse to expect us “to let it go” but there is much I wish to hang on to that originated a hundred years or more ago, including my Dad.

1913 was a much different time. Dad was born into hardship but had a spirit that consistently and constantly found the diamond in the rough. Even as his health faltered at the end of his journey, forcing him to wear a winter coat in June, he found joy in each rock he spied along his evening walk, in each dime he brought home as a gift to us or Mom.

Dad found and gave joy with a smile, a tickle, or a hug. Dad found and gave love through caring and sharing, through loyalty and commitment, through showing up and stepping up.

My Dad showed me his love, laced with pride for my accomplishments, while offering me the comfort and stability that a child enjoys when their parents truly love and adore each other.

My Dad was my light, my joy, my guide, my saviour, my friend, my confidante… and all too soon gone. Seventeen years is a blip in time when compared to all a full life has to offer but I cherish every memory of those years with him.

And now, like him before me, I find joy in the little things, constantly and consistently. A butterfly, a found dime, the smile of a friend – cherished as he would cherish.

Happy birthday Daddy. I have no doubt you are dancing Mom around a room today, as you have a million times before. Know I still work to make you proud. Know I still smile as you did a million times for me. Know I still love as deeply and as fully as you showed me to.

After all, I am your little lump of sugar.

On this day my friend, know without a doubt, many wonderful things were created 100 or more years ago, and they deserve to be held onto.

I love you!


In memory of Leo Ernest Boucher June 11, 1913 – July 6, 1981

***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***