
She Stood Up

She loved him.
She adored him.
But all too soon loving hugs
Were replaced with suffocating grief.
She cried because he had died
But somehow, in time, she stood up.

Babies are meant to squeal and cry
To crawl and walk and play.
But all too soon cries fell silent
And a crib grew cold.
She screamed because her baby had died.
But somehow, in time, she stood up.

Criticisms. Condemnations. Ridicule. Violence.
She lived in a world were mistakes hurt
And safety was a dream.
She didn’t laugh. She didn’t cry.
But she managed to survive every hit.
Until somehow, in time, she stood up and walked out.

In quiet moments
In dark places or sunny parks
The voice inside whispered, “Not possible!” Constant reminders of her uselessness,
Her ugliness, her unworthiness.
But somehow, in time, she stood up and told the voice to shut up.

She leaned. She learned. She watched
As her mentor, her mother,
Her friend inspired and encouraged her.
She heard the words. She saw the smile. She felt the love.
A love stronger than even the grief over her passing.
So somehow, in time, she stood up yet again.

Yes, somehow, she found a way
To stand tall and proud like those before.
Now, no matter where she stands Or who she stands beside.
She cheers loud and proud for them all,
The ones who have yet to realize that in time,
They too will stand up.

***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***