
The PATH to Healing

I am awake, I am alive, and today it ends. Tonight, the wrap up – the final event marking the end of Survivors and Victims of Crime Week 2019 here in Atikokan, and I am so proud to have been part of this week, for so many reasons …

This week, we held space for those who were ready to share their stories, to take another step on their path to healing.

This week, myself and others, shared our stories. We shared of our moments of fear and pain, our moments of self-doubt and even self-loathing, and we shared how we got past our pain.

This week, we observed several moments of silence for those still hurting and for those who did not survive.

This week, we reminded ourselves that we are more than what happened to us, and stronger than any trial.

This week, some began to feel strength again and hope, and that is exactly why such events are held.

Tonight, I will deliver one more speech in an attempt to remind those present of one key thing – violence, the kind of violence that renders us victims, that kind of violence is an event, a moment in time or maybe even many moments in time but … it need not be our identity.

It cannot be our identity, not if we hope to heal.

So today my friend, be a kind, compassionate woman who has survived domestic violence, not just a domestic abuse survivor. Today, be an intelligent, ambitious youth that has survived the foster care system, rather than labeling yourself as just a survivor of the foster care system. Today, be a mill worker, a farmer, a father, a Dad, who was the victim of childhood abuse, or internet theft, or whatever because you my friend, are more than any crime or pain inflicted on you.

Be careful how you describe yourself for your spirit is listening and sometimes even our spirits need to be reminded that we are so much more.

The scar will remain, but it need not bleed anymore. Get the help. Cry the tears. Share the stories so that whatever happened can finally just be something that happened, rather than your defining moment.

I love you and I know that you are so much more.


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***