
To Those Who Have Packed Their Pasts Away

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning this journey that is Atikokan and the Survivors and Victims of Crime Week events continues.

Today is a “work in my motel room” kinda day as I tend to some seed-planting for future endeavours. And then this evening, I have the honour and privilege of taking part in a sharing circle with a woman I truly admire. Her wisdom is as obvious as her strength and I look forward to sitting in the circle with her.

But before I dive into today, I want to take a moment to cherish what yesterday offered – quality time with a woman I have wanted to get to know better for some time; a chance to go for a walk and enjoy so much more of what Atikokan has to offer; and most of all, the chance to stand and speak at the Shelter of Hope.

Because I shared with them how, once upon a time, my children and I were in such a shelter. I shared how the shame was silencing for me at that time, how I would have been one of the women who never left their room, how I would have stayed upstairs – never communicating, never talking.

I stood in front of them to share that, in front of the women who joined us, realizing that my standing and speaking proved my point more than any word I shared – that the past does not dictate our future, unless we let it.

So today, a shout-out to all of those who have managed to pack their pasts neatly away – those who have healed from violence or addiction, those who have broken free from poverty and crippling self-doubt, those who have found a way to their light.

There are many if you just look and you can be one too my friend, if you are not already. Believe you can or believe in me believing in you until you can. Either way … no one deserves to stay in the dark.

I love you my friend and I am right over here waiting for you. I’m the chick with the big smile and the sunburn. lol

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or Amazon***