
The World Keeps Turning

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am thinking of how the world keeps turning, no matter what is going on in our little corner of it. Time and time again in my years, I have seen how we may have been stopped but how Creator is still at work, moving things just outside our line of sight, things that may one day be all important to us.

“Give Creator time to help you,” Mom would say.

But on the day my firstborn passed, all I could see was the traffic on High Street. How people were going to work, going to school, living their normal everyday lives just outside my door, even though my baby girl’s life had just ended.

I didn’t know then that the following year another daughter would be born to me or that she would one day be the Mother of the grandchildren I adore. I didn’t know then that Fallon’s passing would teach me how to cherish my children, a lesson I would need to be the Mom her siblings would come to know.

Time and time again it happens …

Business slows, only to get “a call out of the blue” from someone who has been planning to book me for months. A friend calls, someone I have wanted to meet with but could never find the time to call. Over coffee they share how they have been praying for me every day. An elder hands me a gift they have been working on for ages or I hand same to someone I have been thinking of and praying for.

Same with that human Creator sends, the one who invokes memories you have tried hard to forget. Now, in a safe and strong way, perhaps it is time to deal with the demons invoked by that person. Consider it a reminder to take time to heal.

Yes, my friend, the world keeps turning, even as we take time to rest. Lost in grief or pain, we may not be moving but Creator is. He’s busy mixing up a batch of just what we need, in anticipation of the day we will again stand and bravely take a step on a new path. The day we are again open to accepting and enjoying all he is sending to help us become all we are meant to be.

So, enjoy this day, my friend. Join me as one of many who smile and ask, “What you be up to Creator? What you be brewing up now?”

We know he has our best in mind, even as we accept, we have no idea what he is cooking.

I love you!


***This is an excerpt from Sandi’s most recent book, “I am Awake …”. available for purchase on her website or on Amazon.ca.***